Thursday, January 18, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Learning in the Age of Superintelligence

<p>Featuring <strong>Jeff Maggioncalda</strong>, CEO, Coursera; <strong>Michael Spence</strong>, President and Provost, University College London; and <strong>Sherrie Westin</strong>, President, Sesame Workshop<br />
Moderated by <strong>Stephanie Mehta</strong>, Chief Content Officer and CEO, Mansueto Ventures </p>

The accelerating pace of technological change will affect the way students learn and the skills companies will need from future employees. How can educators and employers keep pace, especially in regions that are still offline? A panel of business, education, and human rights leaders debate if and how learning has to be reimagined for the age of superintelligence.

Jeff Maggioncalda Michael Spence Stephanie Mehta Sherrie Westin