Thursday, January 18, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Davos 2034!
<p>Featuring <strong>Raja Rajamannar</strong>, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Mastercard; <strong>Melanie Nakagawa</strong>, Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft; and <strong>Ken West</strong>, President and CEO, Energy and Sustainability Solutions, Honeywell<br />
Moderated by <strong>Brendan Vaughan</strong>, Editor-in-Chief, Fast Company </p>
Moderated by <strong>Brendan Vaughan</strong>, Editor-in-Chief, Fast Company </p>
What will delegates discuss at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in 2034? A diverse group of leaders will contemplate the WEF agenda for the coming decade.
Raja Rajamannar - Mastercard
Ken West - Honeywell
Brendan Vaughan - Fast Company
Melanie Nakagawa - Microsoft
Ken West - Honeywell
Brendan Vaughan - Fast Company
Melanie Nakagawa - Microsoft