11:10 AM - 11:40 AM (EDT)
Embracing the Four-Day Workweek
<p>Featuring <strong>Dale Whelehan</strong>, CEO, 4 Day Week Global, <strong>Tarveen Forrester</strong>, VP of People, Kickstarter, and <strong>Shanti Mathew</strong>, Managing Director, Public Policy Lab<br />
Moderated by <strong>Julia Herbst</strong>, Senior Editor, Fast Company</p>

The push for a four-day workweek gained momentum recently when Sen. Bernie Sanders spearheaded legislation for a 32-hour workweek in the U.S. While the idea remains more theory than practice, a number of companies have taken the plunge on a trial or permanent basis. Get the lay of the land to understand why shortening your week might be beneficial to your company, your employees, and the planet.

Session Type
Dale Whelehan Tarveen Forrester Shanti Mathew