1:10 PM - 1:40 PM (EDT)
How to Make AI Work for You
<p>Featuring <strong>John Sabino</strong>, CEO, LivePerson, <strong>Jayesh Govindarajan</strong>, SVP of AI and Machine Learning, Salesforce and <strong>Colette Stallbaumer</strong>, WorkLab Cofounder and Copilot General Manager, Microsoft<br />
Moderated by <strong>AJ Hess</strong>, Staff Editor, Fast Company</p>

From streamlining and amplifying customer service management to generating presentations with a single prompt, AI continues to revolutionize the workplace. But there are plenty of unanswered questions about how these productivity and efficiency tools will coexist comfortably with human employees. Join this panel to hear how these leading companies are weighing these issues while simultaneously shaping the future of work.

Session Type
Jayesh Govindarajan John Sabino Colette Stallbaumer