Destination: Innovation

How human-centered design is transforming our experiences…and our expectations

Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET 

The global pandemic has forced leaders across industries to rethink design and the user experience. When the practical safety concerns of their products and services come into play, “form follows function” becomes paramount. This is particularly true for the travel industry, as business and leisure travelers alike must be confident that travel is safe before they return to their old ways. How are creators reconciling these external forces as they reimagine new and updated digital tools and services that their customers rely on?

Join FastCo Works and Deem for a fascinating exploration of the future of digital design and its effect on the user experience in multiple industries.

You need to be registered to join the live webinar on 2/23 at 2:00 PM ET.
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