10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (CDT)

How New Challengers Are Revamping Industries

<p>Featuring <strong>James Chester</strong>, Managing Director, Gumband; <strong>Ben Goodwin</strong>, CEO, Olipop; and <strong>Lisa Bubbers</strong>, Cofounder and Chief Brand Officer, Studs</p>

Just because a product category is “working”—with established companies serving satisfied customers—that doesn't mean there's no room for innovation. In fact, that's often when innovation is needed the most, to stave off stagnation. From better-for-you sodas to reimagining the piercing experience, these entrepreneurs are finding success in challenging legacy companies in fresh and inventive ways. Join this panel to get inspired on how you might do the same.

Lisa Bubbers James Chester Ben Goodwin