A VIRTUAL event | March 21, 2023

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 /
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

Join Fast Company, Inc., and SAP for Growth Summit—an exciting virtual event designed to help you grow your business.

The key to success in any business is growth. Growing your bottom line. Growing your operations. Growing your culture. But sustained growth requires the right blend of forward-thinking management; intelligent, cloud-based technology investments; and strategic financial planning. At the Growth Summit, top business and technology leaders will gain insights on how they can achieve sustainable growth across their organizations, along with the key learnings and partnerships they are using to manage it all in a rapidly changing economic environment.

● The latest growth trends from futurist Amy Webb
● Insights on the cloud-based technologies that are delivering results
● How leading organizations are scaling up in uncertain times

Founder and CEO
Future Today Institute
R3 Renewables
Chief Marketing and Solutions Officer, Member of the Executive Board
SAP North America
Partner and Vice President, Business Development
Beyond Technologies
FastCo Works
VP and Executive Editor
MV Works


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