Designing an Icon: The Bob Dylan Center
Hosted by Olson Kundig x Bob Dylan Center
Featuring Alan Maskin, Design Principal, Olson Kundig; Benjamin Pearcy, Director, 59 Productions; and Parker Fishel, Curator; Archival Consultant, Americana Music Productions
Monday, September 19, 2022, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Take a virtual tour inside the 29,000-square-foot, permanent exhibit celebrating the life and work of American icon Bob Dylan. The exhibit will motivate and inspire you to engage your own capacity as a creator and explore the role of creativity in our lives. Meet the center's design team and hear how they brought Dylan’s vision and legacy to life in America’s heartland and celebrated his role in our nation’s history.
Alan Maskin - Olson Kundig
Benjamin Pearcy - 59 Productions
Parker Fishel - Americana Music Productions
Benjamin Pearcy - 59 Productions
Parker Fishel - Americana Music Productions