Unlock the Secrets to Speaking to Anyone with Ease
Led by Eileen Smith, Public Speaking Coach, Spokesmith, and Donna Marino, Psychologist and Executive Coach

Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

Learn a range of tools to manage the sweaty palms and butterflies that arise when you're speaking up in a meeting, networking, or giving a presentation. In this highly interactive session, Eileen Smith, public speaking coach at Spokesmith, and Donna Marino, psychologist and executive coach, will take attendees through a discussion and exercises designed to pinpoint the pain spots and develop a more confident approach, whether you have a small case of nerves or a career-hindering challenge. The session includes an optional guided hypnosis designed to instill a positive affirmation led by Marino.

Donna Marino Eileen Smith