Date & Time
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 9:35 AM - 10:10 AM
Custom Session Name (HTML)
Serving Sustainability: What's Next in Food Innovation
Featuring Nora Khaldi, Founder and CEO, Nuritas; Hiroki Koga, Cofounder and CEO, Oishii; Magi Richani, Founder and CEO, Nobell Foods; and Shara Ticku, Cofounder and CEO, C16 Biosciences
Moderated by Talib Visram, Staff Writer, Fast Company
As consumers continue to look for healthier and more eco-friendly options at the grocery store, how are startups meeting demand? Hear what’s next at the frontier of alternative foods as companies seek to create lasting sustainability practices.
Session Type
Creativity, Sustainability
Convene – Forum
