Date & Time
Monday, September 18, 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Custom Session Name (HTML)
Friend or Foe: Journey into AI Technology with Slalom Element Lab212
Hosted by Slalom Element
Featuring Chris Thomas, Head of Technology, Element Lab212; Justin Tormey, Director, Element Lab212; and John Tomik, Managing Director and Founder, Element Lab212
AI has become a hot topic as of late. While there are reservations about how it could and should be used, it’s clear that AI has the opportunity to shape all aspects of our society, entertainment, policies, and more. Slalom Element Lab212 will guide you through how spatial computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, and more are the keys to progressing toward a better future. Through a tour and discussion, this session aims to change the way you’ll look at New York City.
Session Type
Fast Track
Creativity, Tech
