Date & Time
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 3:50 PM - 4:30 PM
Custom Session Name (HTML)

Mastering the Mindful Work Space: Building Spaces and Systems for Better Mental Health
Featuring Christina McCarthy, Executive Director, One Mind at Work; Matt Price, VP of Human Resources, Unilever North America; Meg Navin, Principal and Executive Director of Commercial Practice, CannonDesign; and Rajkumari Neogy, CEO, Ibelong
Moderated by Lydia Dishman, Senior Editor, Growth and Engagement, Fast Company


Globally, 12 billion working days are lost every year due to depression and anxiety, costing an estimated $1 trillion in lost productivity. It’s clear the conversation around mental health has become too loud to ignore, particularly in the workplace. Hear from leaders tackling the issue head-on, from developing innovative office-design strategies to standardizing how companies measure their mental health offerings to employees.

Session Type
Leadership and Inclusion, Wellness
Convene – Main Stage Presented by Capital One
Meg Navin Rajkumari Neogy Matt Price