Date & Time
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 10:10 AM - 10:40 AM

Securing the Future: Driving Innovation Through the Semiconductor Workforce
Presented by Purdue University
Featuring Mung Chiang, President, Purdue University, and Adrienne Elrod, Director of External and Government Affairs, CHIPS for America, U.S. Department of Commerce
Moderated by Julianne Pepitone, FastCo Works

Giveaway Alert: The first 200 attendees of this session will receive an Apple AirTag.
Attendees must be present to receive the AirTag.


Semiconductors serve as the fundamental building blocks of all modern electronics, and our cars, phones, laptops and beyond could not function without them. But advancing this technology to secure America’s future will require a workforce that is fully trained, equipped, and prepared to meet increasing demands and drive innovation forward. In 2021, Purdue University launched CSME—an unprecedented global partnership of academia, government, and industry—to address critical areas in the microelectronics industry through research, education, and workforce development. In this thought-provoking panel, we’ll examine how collaboration among these sectors is elevating the semiconductor ecosystem, ensuring a secure supply of these crucial technologies and a thriving workforce behind them.

Session Type
Creativity, Design, Tech
Convene – Forum
Mung Chiang Adrienne Elrod