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Embrace Your Internal Irrational Visionary
Led by Ben Gaddis, CEO and president, T3

Date & Time
Monday, October 5, 2020, 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

What would make your business drop to zero revenue tomorrow? For many companies and industries, 2020 has been a crash course in answering that question. Ben Gaddis' solution is a Zero Revenue Plan. This is the moment to contemplate the completely irrational and previously unimaginable, so you can brace yourself with greater confidence when the next “never gonna happen” catastrophe strikes. You can’t control the external factors, but you can control how you prepare for these suddenly not-so-far-fetched catastrophic scenarios.  

Join T3 CEO Ben Gaddis in a one-on-one session to learn how to become an irrational visionary and strategize the Zero Revenue Plan that’s right for you — and which may just save your business.