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Close the Creativity Gap and Empower Your Employees
Led by MATT COOPER, CEO, Skillshare

Date & Time
Monday, October 5, 2020, 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

During recessions and economic downturns, companies statistically perform better when they invest in skills that allow room for ideas and innovation. Yet there are few resources through which employees can actually hone creativity, as most online platforms emphasize hard skills.

Join Matt to learn how he is answering this call by closing the “creativity gap” and empowering Skillshare’s 12+ million users to hone new skills while the world spends much of its time online.


Matt Cooper, CEO of online learning platform Skillshare, is dedicated to connecting life-long learners everywhere and building a more creative and prosperous world. Before joining Skillshare, Matt was the CEO of Visually, an online marketplace for creative work that was acquired by ScribbleLive in January 2016. Prior to Visually, he was the VP of operations, enterprise and international for oDesk (now Upwork), the world's largest marketplace for online work.