Build Your Tech-Centric, Modern-Day Brand
Led by SHERRY RAHMATIAN, Managing director, Sylvain Labs
In most other industries, brand and marketing have a well-understood, prominent role to play in growing business. But in the world of technology, it’s not so clear. First-movers and product-market fit can drive so much organic growth that tech companies often invest more in delivering superior technology than building a brand. What does this mean for the future of brand and marketing, and how can we contribute meaningfully within product- and engineering-led companies?
In this session, Sherry Rahmatian, Managing Director at Sylvain Labs, will draw from her breadth of experience and take you through techniques on branding for modern-day or digital brands, client-side thinking from fast-growing brands, and marketing at international scale.
Target titles: Senior strategist, senior brand manager, senior marketing manager